Welcome to my site!

I am a postdoctoral researcher specializing in digital media, identity construction, language and gender, and fashion media. My postdoctoral research examines the linguistic and discursive practices of young women who work as social media influencers. Through this research, I investigate the intersections of language, gender, and social media work on different digital platforms. However, I am also interested in researching language and discourse in various other contexts. Currently, I work in the Languaging Crises: Diachronic Perspectives on Public Communication during Three Pandemics (LanCris) project at the University of Helsinki. My work in the project focuses on diversity and representation in the US and UK authorities’ communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Previously, in my PhD thesis titled Communities of Empowerment: Exploring the Discourse Practices of Plus-Size Fashion Bloggers, I investigated the linguistic and discursive construction of community, identity and empowerment in plus-size fashion blogs. I received my doctoral degree from the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University in 2020.

Feel free to have a look around the “About Me” and “Works” sections, as well as my research blog, if  any of these topics are of interest to you! Please note that this site will be updated when new research is published, and when my schedule allows it. In the meantime, you can contact me via email or  Twitter, or look me up on ResearchGate.

Thank you for visiting!